Once you sign up or log in to your account, go to Events section and click "Add new Event"
Type your title and click "Proceed"
After you create your first event that you can add some questions.
There are 6 types of questions that you can use in your live event:
Multiple choice
Picture choice
Linear Scale
*Project is a special type of question that simply allows you to launch a standalone already created survey, quiz, form, or calculator during the live event.
You can create as many questions you like and the editor is almost the same as in the standalone Projects section. Switching to Design allow you to change how your event will look like. Live question design options are the same as you have in Projects.
Going into the Chat section allow you to customize how this function will look like on audience view
Besides chat design, in Configure->Design section you can provide your own header logo with header text. Use it to inform your audience how to access your Live Event, for example: “Go to yourwebsite.com/conference to interact”. You can change the tab name that will be on mobile phones and adjust the color of that tabs.
Finally to activate your live event go to the Manage section and turn on any question on the audience view list.
While your live event is activated then is time to share proper links with your participants, click on "Share" in the Audience view section
You have to options first is to use link* or embed code that you can put on your website or mobile app. The audience view is responsive so it will adjust to the device and resolution of participants. Users
*you can use a link shortening service (eg. bit.ly) or a redirection on your own domain (eg. yourwebsite.com/conference) to create a more user-friendly address.
This is how your audience view will look like on the desktop:
Of course, most of the users will use mobile phones to vote and participate in Q&A but don't worry because the audience view is responsive so it will adjust to the device and resolution of each participant.
This is how it looks on mobile:
Managing your event
During your live event, you can change questions in real-time simply by turning no chosen question in the manage section. You can also change what will be presented on presentation view during live event either live results from question or chat messages that can be used for Q&A
The presentation view allows you to show results during your live event to all participants or chat messages simply by sharing in full screen mode this view.
Presentation view in question mode
Presentation view in chat mode
Live video integration
You can also embed your video feed from Facebook Live, Youtube or Vimeo ( or any other video provider that can generate embed code ) into youengage audience view.
Go to Configure->Integration check "Add live video embed URL" and provide embed code to your video feed.
In case of this scenario you can have one link to your event that will combine live video and our interactive component, here is how it will look like on desktop:
On mobile this view will look like this:
In that view, users can watch live video and participate in live interaction but at any moment can switch the video to a separate tab only for interaction: